Digital Entrepreneurship brings new opportunities and challenges. Exploring the new digital landscape provides knowledge on the impact of this fast-growing digital driver of entrepreneurship on the transformation of the socioeconomic system, and information on how these changes can generate business opportunities.
It is our honour to have Prof Satish NAMBISAN and Prof Martin OBSCHONKA to be our speakers of the IIDS Digital Entrepreneurship Seminar. The seminars will provide knowledge on the new form of entrepreneurial operates across various digital platforms and information on how these changes can generate business opportunities.
Digital Entrepreneurship has change the way of doing business. In recent years, there has been a growing adoption of digital platforms in positioning products and services within dynamic digital networks using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Digital Entrepreneurship takes an important role in exploring business opportunities and mobilizing resources using digital networks.
Thanks again for Prof Satish NAMBISAN, and Prof Martin OBSCHONKA for their contribution to the “IIDS Project – The Evolution of Digital Entrepreneurship, FinTech and FinReg”. We are looking forward to our research collaborations in the future.